Titon To Exhibit at Virtual Show
Titon will be exhibiting at Fenex, the UK fenestration sector’s first ever virtual exhibition aimed at the window, door, conservatory and glazing industry.
With routes to market challenged by the constantly changing pandemic, participating in virtual exhibitions is becoming the new normal and offers so many more opportunities in a safer environment.
Titon will be showcasing their range of Window and Door Hardware products during the first show in January, followed by the main event – Fenex 2021 – in April next year. Rounding up the digital shows will be the Aluminium Expo to be held in July.
Tyson Anderson, Sales & Marketing Director at Titon said, “We’re really excited at Titon to be taking part in the first digital exhibition in this sector, and are looking forward to seeing what this new show environment can bring us. The real benefit of virtual exhibitions is the flexibility it gives everyone in being able to attend whilst still remaining busy and at their place of work. There’s nothing better than face to face meetings, and we’re looking forward to the time when we can all get back to that, but there’s no doubt whilst we are restricted and the future is uncertain, a digital show helps us all. Fenex gives us a glimpse in to what we can be doing more of in the future, not just in times of pandemic but also on an ongoing basis regardless of the current situation.
“We’ll be working hard between now and the show to tailor our marketing material to welcome and interest visitors to Fenex. We look forward to seeing you at our stand and talking to you whilst you are there, as we’ll have staff available on-line to chat to.”
Visitors to Fenex exhibitions and conferences will be able access the stands, resources, chat facilities and meeting rooms multiple times a day, allowing for much needed flexibility during the working day.
Register now for your free VIP ticket.
For more information about Fenex, please visit: www.fenex.co.uk
For more information about Titon’s Window & Door Hardware range, visit www.titon.com